The Obama adminstration continues their long running habit of underestimating the severity and impact of the spill, only to be corrected by independent scientists. First they underestimated the rate of the spill , the toxicity of the dispersants, and denied the existence of underwater plumes before claiming the oil was gone.
Read press release here.
News story here.
The complete Georgia Sea Grant/University of Georgia Oil Spill report is available online at http://uga.edu/aboutUGA/joye_pkit/GeorgiaSeaGrant_OilSpillReport8-16.pdf
Figures from the report are available at http://uga.edu/aboutUGA/joye_pkit/GeorgiaSeaGrant_OilChart.pdf.
Obama's ink has done more damage to the Gulf economy than BP's oil has.
Allow off shore and land drilling. Accidents have always happened. What we need is a President who stays out of the way of clean up.
Drilling for oil is not the answer but I believe that ITM a British company has the answer.
They have invented a Fuel Cell for a car that has a plastic heart instead of Platinum.
They are converting cabs and buses for the 2012 Olympics in London.
Take a look.
I applaud your effort to try and make a difference. The reality is we are so long away from getting off petroleum is we have to drill until that day arrives. We need to make all oil companies have a contingency plan in case we have a spill. Then they have to meet standards set by the EPA. Then we drill baby drill. We need to get off Foreign oil so we can change our foreign policy & energy policy.
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